Maren: What?! Don’t make jokes like that!
Sythe: I’m not joking. Why not?
Maren: Why not?! Because you’re a wolf, idiot!
Maren: We’re different species!
Sythe: So? Doesn’t seem to have stopped our ex’s any.
Sythe: And if it’s good enough for the Grand Templar…
Maren: No, no, no! The whole world might be turning upside down, but I’m not going along with it!
Sythe: Okay! Okay! Fair enough.
Sythe: If you don’t want it, that’s fine!
Maren: Why would you even want a relationship? Aren’t humans… disgusting to you?
Sythe: Oh, come on, Maren. Fur or not, you’re anything but disgusting. And it wouldn’t be something so serious as a relationship. Just a way to, you know, feel things out. Satisfy curiosity.
Sythe: I thought you might be curious too, but maybe not. It’s cool. Don’t worry about it.
Maren: …I… I need to get a drink.
Sythe: Oh, okay, sure. There’s a table down by the beach.
Maren: …Is there one in your room?
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