Flora: What do you mean by that? "Ephemural?"
Flora: The mask that tried to possess me ages ago? What about it? Didn't Trace kill that creep?
Nora: (through Stoney) Tsh, I wish. They exist outside of the world. They can't die. Well…
Nora: (through Stoney) Not by a sword, anyway.
Nora: (through Stoney) For ages, they have prohibited "intermingling" between races. But I sense that is no longer the case for you. And likely for other Keidran.
Flora: That's how I'm…! How could you tell?
Nora: (through Stoney) Stoney was made to protect Trace's child. It sensed it within you.
Nora: (through Stoney) I know that must be a surprise, Trace. It is yours, if you were worried—
Trace: No.
Trace: I already knew that.
Nora: (thoughts) …You're serious about this, aren't you? You truly love this Keidran?
Trace: Uh, yeah. That's why I asked her to marry me. Do you have a problem with that?
Nora: (through Stoney) …No. Of course not.
Trace: Even through she's a Keidran?
Nora: (thoughts) Trace… I of all people understand forming bonds beyond one's own species.
Nora: (thoughts) You and I share such a bond. If something makes you happy, then it makes me happy as well. For a long time, I feared I would not see the boy I once knew again, but he's still in there.
Nora: (through Stoney) I'll always have your back, Little One.
Trace: NGH
Trace: (thoughts) …It's a good thing she made this thing out of smooth stone.
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