Nora: (through Stoney) Very well. You have my blessing to wed Trace, young Keidran.
Flora: Uh… thanks? I didn't know I needed that.
Nora: (through Stoney) Of course. If I suspected you were just someone trying to take advantage of my Trace in his current state, I'd… Well…
Flora: NYAAAAA—!
Nora: (thoughts) But no…
Nora: (thoughts) I scanned your mind the first time we met, and it still holds true… Your intentions are earnest.
Nora: (thoughts) You are a kind young woman.
Nora: (thoughts) A sweet, affectionate soul who clearly loves Trace as I do. I can tell what he sees in you.
Flora: Oh! W-well… Thank you.
Nora: (thoughts) Even if you are a bit of a step down from Saria.
Flora: What's that supposed to mean?!
Nora: (thoughts) Oh, now, I don't mean anything by it! You're good too.
Nora: (thoughts) Saria is just a tough act to follow. She was a talented woman, after all. Mature, sophisticated, wrote music, painted… had quite the figure, as well… But you're definitely cuter. I'm sure you have other good qualities, too… somewhere in there.
Trace: F-Flora? what's the matter?!
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