Nora: (through Stoney) NGH
Nora: (through Stoney) Well, I should go.
Trace: Go? Wait, Nora! I wanted to know more about the masks! You speak like you know them.
Nora: (through Stoney) Ugh, please! I just woke up. I don't want to talk about them. Not right now.
Nora: (through Stoney) Suffice it to say, we have a history. I chose not to participate in their game.
Nora: (through Stoney) And they've tried to kill me for it. Even succeeded once. Quite rude.
Trace: Wait, what?
Nora: (through Stoney) I got better. Anyway, that baby's popping out in, what, two months? I should be back then.
Trace: Oh, you're not coming back right away?
Nora: (through Stoney) Aw, why? Miss having me around?
Flora: !
Stoney: WARK!
Nora: (through Stoney) Don't worry. We'll see each other soon.
Nora: (through Stoney) And you can always call me through Stoney. I'll even help you fix it, if you really want.
Trace: Your tongue is made of rock!
Nora: (thoughts) But now, if you'll excuse me, I am absolutely famished. And… oh…
Nora: (thoughts) …It seems I've already had something delivered right to my cave.
Nora: (thoughts) My, how convenient…
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