Maren: I can’t believe we had to sell our dresses for these supplies. I feel like I’m wearing a burlap sack!
Red: It’s the best we can do right now. It wasn’t as though we had time to grab a coin purse while running for our lives.
Maren: Well, why didn’t you sell that sword of yours? I’m sure that would have fetched far more coin.
Red: Hey, we need this sword!
Red: These are dangerous times, especially in the wilderness.
Red: Who knows what might be lurking out there! You saw what happened to our village!
Maren: Yes, I know… I still can’t believe what happened. The village… the tavern! All gone.
Karen: But Sis, you always said you hated that tavern.
Maren: Well, yes, but it was MY tavern! It was our family’s tavern! Our family name is Taverndatter, for crying out loud!
Maren: Why, without the tavern, all I am is… Maren Datter!
Page transcript provided by amenon.